What’s Included

— 1x introductory meeting to discuss your book

— 4x full read-throughs of your manuscript:

  • One to provide the developmental edit.

  • One after you make changes based on the developmental edit feedback, to analyse changes made and provide final feedback.

  • One to provide the line edit.

  • One after you make changes based on the line edit, to analyse changes made and provide final feedback.

Developmental Edit:

  • 5x edit meetings to discuss the structure of your book, to brainstorm ideas with you, and address any queries/concerns you have, and to provide chapter-scene analysis & feedback.

  • A chapter-scene summary table (useful for identifying structural and perspective issues).

  • A full developmental report, identifying overall the strengths and weaknesses of your novel, as well as solutions on how to move forward.

Line Edit:

  • In-line track change edits and comments for your entire manuscript, addressing readability, style, flow, consistency, and appropriateness in character voice.

  • 1x post-edit meeting to discuss the your book, to answer any outstanding questions you have and to provide verbal feedback on your strengths and weaknesses in style.

